Contact: Email
Phone Mary O Connor 089 4717922
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This is truly a community coming together to support each other as the Creative & Spiritual community in Cork often do. The performers, orgsanisers and volunteers are giving their time and energy. Various organisations are helping us with tables & chairs etc and all the things needed for an event like this. You can sponsor this event in a number of ways, financially, energetically or by a gifting / loaning us the resources needed to make everything happen.

On the evening of October 21, 2022, the 15th-anniversary celebration of the Confucius Institute at UCC was held in Cork City Hall. Leaders and guests from Cork City Council, Cork County Council, the Chinese Embassy in Ireland, sister Confucius Institutes, and friends from all walks of life in Ireland attended the milestone event, which was witnessed by a total of more than eight hundred people.
The evening was hosted by Ms Lee Wah Pay, Head of Enterprise, Economic Development Enterprise and Tourism, Cork County Council, who delivered the guest speech…
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